Thursday, October 27, 2005

what was that?

dear sigmund,

i'm... well, it's really hard to explain. but let me try: i'm shocked, it was odd, like a cold shower or after too much eating: it gave you a great pleasure but now it is hard to breath.
that's my reaction as match point - the new woody allen movie - ended. it's indeed a great movie, but oh! it's not funny, i expected some kind of comedy, like in 'anything else' but no... it's a big tragedy, the history is told in a non rushed way. every little bit seems to fit just in time, every single detail. it's very a dark film, but the fact that the history happens in england, it gives the history a very special atmosphere. i'm not telling you the history, but if i ever have the luck of falling into someone like scarlett, i promise to fall in love immediatly.
have a nice soiree.

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